Cilla, tell us about yourself, who you are and your background?
I am born in Miami, FL by Danish/Norwegian parents, and was taken to Sweden as an infant. Grew up and graduated in Stockholm and have also lived in Vetlanda, Marstrand (Gothenburg) and Vollsjö (Malmö). Moved to Terrell, TX in December 2008. I am a social media specialist so I work with everything related to online. I am the director for the two websites InTerrell.Net and VisitTerrell.Com.
How did you come in contact with SACC-Dallas?
I believe it was through the Christer Fuglesang event here in Dallas a couple of years ago.
What do you do in the Board?
I am right now helping to re-design the website, a work in progress.
Do you have a vision for the work with SACC?
I believe there is a lot that SACC can do for the professionals with Swedish connections. Building connections, networks, and bridges across “the pond” to benefit business both ways. Texas has a lot to offer the Swedish businesses looking to expand, and we need to let them know that we are here.
Finally, can you tell us something you like to do when you are not working?
I love to sing, just been selected to sing the American National Anthem at the Lone Star Park in November. I also love to spend time with my horses and dogs and take them for a walk. Anything to get away from a computer