SACC-Houston recently welcomed Clay Pearson and Sofie Castacio as new members of the SACC-Houston board. Clay Pearson describes himself as far from a native Swede, but instead as a long-time ”Swedeophile”. He grew up in Lindsborg, Kansas, where he describes it as mandatory to admire Sweden. Furthermore, Clay served on the board of SACC-Detroit before moving to Texas. Sofie Castacio first lived in Hawaii where she met her husband. Work brought them both to Houston, and Sofie to the SACC-Houston board. Viktoria Blecko, also a member of SACC-Houston, interviewed them both about their new positions on the board of SACC-Houston.
Welcome to SACC, would you like to tell us a bit about yourself?
Tack! That is unfortunately the close to the extent of my Swedish language skills. However, I grew up in Lindsborg, Kansas (Little Sweden, USA) and went to Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, MN. We’ve been to Sweden several times and have great personal and professional ties with many Swedes. Speaking of profession, I proudly serve as the City Manager for the great city of Pearland, Texas. The city manager is the administrative head of the entire organization. Pearland is an outstanding place that’s diverse, dynamic, and fun. We are building a great community and I am proud to be a part of it and this entire amazing Houston metro area.
How did you come in contact with SACC?
I was on the Board of SACC-Detroit when I was the City Manager for Novi, Michigan, prior to joining Pearland. We launched a new website and carried off a number of good business networking events. So, now that I have been in Pearland a bit, I sought out the SACC group here and have been to a few events over the last months. We have met great people. And, love the food at Soren’s.
What will you work with as a member of Houston’s chamber?
I am open to whatever the membership and the Board members need. Getting the name out there as a resource for business and helping raise the profile of members seems like a good place to start.
What are your expectations on your participation on the board of SACC Houston?
Good Scandinavian fun and fellowship.
Finally, what do you like to do when you are not working?
Reading, swimming, cards, and travels. All at the same time is preferred.
Welcome to SACC, would you like to tell us a bit about yourself?
Thank you,
I was born and raised in Stockholm, Sweden. My parents took me traveling throughout Europe from a young age, and as a result I have always enjoyed traveling and exploring new cultures. In my early twenties I started traveling and working abroad like many other young Swedes. I was a Flight Attendant based out of Kuwait City when I met my husband. His job took us to Hawaii for four years before coming here to Houston. I have studied International Business at IHM Business School in Stockholm and Master of Business Administration at Hawaii Pacific University.
How did you come in contact with SACC?
I was very excited about all the Scandinavian clubs I found here in Houston when we moved here from Hawaii. I attended my first SASS dinner event when we had only been here for a few weeks.
What will you work with as a member of Houston’s chamber?
I am happy to help the Sweden American Chamber of Commerce with whatever it needs. I would like to see us have more events and interesting presentations.
What are your expectations on your participation on the board of SACC Houston?
Meet and connect with people who are interested in doing business in Sweden and the United States.
Finally, what do you like to do when you are not working?
I enjoy working out, lifting, traveling, and volunteering.
Viktoria Blecko, SACC-Houston