On May 20, SACC Dallas held its first interactive “Quarantini” event. The topic was the telecom
industry in the shadow of the pandemic, initiated by board member Patrik Löwenborg. Inspired by
the success, Patrik will now arrange more quarantinis and he is now happy to receive suggestions
on new themes.
How would you describe a “Quarantini”?
The concept or the name itself means that several people meet online, on zoom or some other
platform, for having a dry martini sitting at home in their quarantine. It is very much a 2020
expression. I tried it myself earlier this spring, and immediately felt that it was surprisingly nice, and
started to think, why not mix business with pleasure and talk about work and industry related things
in a relaxed way. Said and done. We came up with a theme, invited industry experts and a interested
crowd. Patrik Melander and me were moderators.
And how did the first quarantine turn out?
I think it was a success. It was a fun discussion and I felt that you didn’t have to monitor the
conversation very much. It took off immediately and it became a bit like a self-playing piano, where
people asked relevant questions. I saw that there was a need to discuss and socialize.
And what will happen now?
My conclusion was that people want more of these kinds of smaller and specialized online events in
the future. Therefore we have decided to carry on with this. I also believe that we will offer online
events in the future even when it opens up with the physical events. This for the simple reason that
sometimes time is a factor and you simply don’t have the time to travel to a certain place. Instead you
can participate via the phone or your laptop. We are also investigating the possibility of making our
online events possible afterwards. We promise to get back on that and about our next event, very
soon. I also would like to invite all members to come up with suggestions on upcoming quarantine
themes. We are all open for suggestions, so welcome.