The Swedish saying “Ensam är stark” (Alone is strong, direct translation) is hardly true when it comes to creating successful networking events. Instead collaborating with other organizations and chambers becomes essential. The key is truly in being able to bring a lot of people together at an appropriate venue. And through working together between different chambers a larger group of people are likely to attend and a greater success rate will most likely be reached.
SACC Houston has had two interesting collaborations during the last month which has provided its members with unique networking opportunities.
For the second time SACC, DACC and NACC hosted their annual Scandinavian Business Mixer at the Norway House on Tuesday 17th of September. Norway House is an excellent venue not only because of its direct ties with the Norwegian Consulate and Innnovation Norway which occupy the building. But its location is ideal and the spaces for mingling and presentations, in this case for the sponsors, are well thought through. Over 120 attendees gathered for Swedish meatballs, Danish beer and Norwegian friendliness. It has become known as the autumn “kick-off” within the Scandinavian community in Houston.
Though a joint Scandinavian networking event has many common grounds it is just as interesting creating events with chambers where there are greater cultural diversities. And this is precisely what the second business-networking event this month was about. It was co-hosted with the Russian, Columbian and Italian Chambers of Commerce and fittingly called “North meets South” and held at an Italian restaurant near the Galleria, in central Houston. The number of attendees was larger than the Scandinavian event and allowed for an even greater exposure between members of the respective organizations. Letting new bridges and opportunities to be built.
Jorunn Asker, VP SACC-Houston, October 2013

Also in the picture: representatives from the sponsors IKEA and K&L Gates (far left and right on the podium) and Anna Thomsen Holliday (DACC), Jorunn Asker (SACC) and Anne Brith Berge (NACC).